float switch for sewage Archive

e-Fly Dirty Water Float Switch

The e-Fly is a specialized Mac3 float switch that can effectively handle dirty water. Its surface fit and finish have been meticulously crafted, resulting in a smooth and sleek shape that can slice through suspended solids in a tank. e-Fly Float Switch– dirty water can’t touch this! The e-fly always remains in the correct position …

Compact Float Switch – Agma Range

Compact Float Switch: Agma – what happens when you cross a float switch, a rail and a magnet? If you require a reliable solution for a shallow tank, such as an F-Line or similar, or installing in a restricted space inside a regular tank, then, the Agma by Mac3 float switch is an excellent option …

Mac5 Wastewater Float Switch

The Mac5 is a great wastewater float switch. When working with turbulent water or heavy slurry, accept no substitute! Typically, when thinking of a float switch, we think of a small unit – the Mac5 is anything but! At over 20cm long, the float alone weighs more than 1kg. This float switch is for one …